W C Interior Linings combines more than 40 years' industry experience with a commitment to providing high quality finished projects.
We provide superior plastering solutions, which can only be earned through decades of experience.
The longevity and success of our business is a reflection of our ability to appreciate the ideas offered by our clients, consider their needs and deliver a project which exceeds their expectations in every aspect.
At W C Interior Linings we utilise the latest plastering methods while still ensuring that high quality finish we guarantee.
W C Interior Linings uses only reputable brands and products to make certain that all projects meet Australian Standards and surpass yours.




As a director of W C Interior Linings, Shannon is responsible for implementing the company's strategic vision and manages all financial aspects of the business.
With over 25 years experience in the industry, Shannon implements a hands on approach and contributes to major projects in various sectors across Australia. His solid organisational and communication skills are evident in his ability to form successful relationships with all clients.